Update on opening hours
Due to the current situation the DEI will remain closed until further notice. In the meantime we are proud to be bringing much of our programme and events online to provide diversion, entertainment and activities while we are all shut away from the real world. Keep checking our website and social media for new content.

Following the government’s announcement on ‘social distancing’ the DEI is now closed until further notice. We will continue to update you as the situation changes.
We will be looking at different ways of engagement with our Members during this time and will continue to promote our collections on our website and on social media. Members can continue to email the Library and Office with enquiries.
We have also taken the decision to postpone all programmed events until further notice, this includes the following:
- Members Evening and Teatime Talks
- Lunchtime Lectures
- Reading Group
- Cinema Club
- West Quarter Project
- Bookworms
- All Saturday events including Saturday Snippets
- and Wednesday afternoon public tours
In the meantime we are proud to be bringing much of our programme and events online to provide diversion, entertainment and activities while we are all shut away from the real world. Keep checking our website and social media for new content.
Thank you for your understanding and please look after yourselves.
DEI Leadership Team