What's on
“Rabbit Food”: The Romantic roots of Vegetarianism
Lunchtime Lecture: “By all that is sacred in our hopes for the human race, I conjure those who love happiness and truth, to give a fair trial to the vegetable system”-
Percy Bysshe Shelley, A Vindication of Natural Diet
Press release: The Devon and Exeter Institution secures National Lottery investment for its project ‘The Next Chapter’
The Devon and Exeter Institution, an independent library and educational charity in the heart of Exeter, has received initial support* and a development grant of £186,000 which will fund preparatory […]
Virtual Tour – The Roof
Join us on our usual Wednesday tour - this week we're travelling back through time to the roof restoration of 2016
Picturing the Jabberwock
An online gallery of creative responses from our Bookworms, created during Lockdown 2020
Ponds in the Parlour: the invention of the seawater aquarium
Philip Henry Gosse's invention of the aquarium was 'instantly accepted by naturalists and amateurs alike, and became to the one a portable studio of biology, to the others a charming and fashionable toy'.
Stories of Spirited Children
Lunchtime Lecture: Sometimes, though we try very hard, we don’t always behave how we would like to! Keep out of mischief with these stories about spirited children.
A General History of the Science and Practice of Music: a tragedy in two acts
Sir John Hawkins' greatest literary achievements were thwarted by bad timing and, according to some accounts, by the 'paltry malice, and base tricks' of his mean-spirited contemporaries.
Virtual Tour – The Cottage
Take a virtual tour of the cottage which has been the live-in residence of Institution Librarians and Housekeepers for over 200 years
Anna Laetitia Barbauld’s Evenings at Home; or, The Juvenile Budget Opened
Parents all over the country are preparing for what could be many months of ‘home schooling’ – but it’s easier said than done. This little book – a two-hundred-year-old ‘domestic […]
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