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Gifts in wills

Your legacy will make a lasting difference. Members and supporters like you, who love the Institution and want to play a vital part in its future, can help us to continue our charitable work in public learning and engagement and to preserve the Institution's beautiful building and remarkable collections for future generations.

We suggest that you contact your solicitor when preparing a will.

There are two types of legacy:

  • Pecuniary – a specific sum
  • Residuary  – the whole or part of an estate after specific gifts have been made.

You can also leave a Special Gift, an item of value such as stocks and shares, property etc, which could be sold for the benefit of the Devon and Exeter Institution or the future benefit of the charity. This can be done via a Codicil in conjunction with your will. Again, we suggest contacting your solicitor.

While you can specify what your legacy is used for, it is more helpful if the funds are unrestricted to avoid any potential problems when the funds become available, for example, if the use specified is no longer appropriate. We are happy to suggest some general areas of the Institution’s work where your donation will always be useful.

You would need to make your final clauses with your solicitors, but below are suggestions of sample wording to pass on to them.

Pecuniary legacy
I give tax free to The Devon and Exeter Institution (Registered Charity No: 1172445) of 7 Cathedral Close, Exeter, EX1 1EZ the sum of £____ for (its general purposes or specific request) and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of the charity shall be full and sufficient discharge.

Residuary legacy
I give the whole of my estate not otherwise disposed of by my Will (or % if desired) to the Devon and Exeter Institution (Registered Charity No: 1172445) of 7 Cathedral Close, Exeter, EX1 1EZ for (its general purposes or specific request) and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper office of the charity shall be full and sufficient discharge.

If you are interested in the future of the Devon and Exeter Institution and would like to talk to someone about leaving a legacy, please email the Director (emmadunn@devonandexeterinstitution) or write a letter, marked ‘Private and confidential’, to:

The Director
The Devon and Exeter Institution
7 Cathedral Close

All your personal data will be held securely and confidentially by the Devon and Exeter Institution and will not be disclosed to external organisations other than those acting as agents for the Institution for legitimate reasons.