Isolation creations — copy
In the spirit of the 19th Century scientists who founded the DEI we are adapting and innovating our programme so that we continue to flourish and connect with our members and supporters. Join us for a range of on-line activities, social media streaming, read-a-longs and virtual film club over our period of closure. Thank you for continuing to support us at this difficult time and we hope you are all staying well.

Books in isolation
We are creating a virtual library of treasures in our collections, from art to zoology.
To discover this week’s book, click here.

Virtual tours - our usual Wednesday tours continue, with a twist
A tour you can take in real life (if you live in Exeter that is)! Learn about the history of our building by looking at the walls…to find out more click here.
Step back to 2016 and take a tour of our roof restoration in progress…to take the virtual tour click here.
Take a tour of the Institution cottage which has been residence of Librarians and Housekeepers for over 200 years…to take the tour click here.

Our Region Revealed Jigsaws
A fun way to engage with our collections, whatever your age. These pictures are newly-digitised illustrations from Our Region Revealed project. Each puzzle can be adapted from a 6-piece puzzle for little ones to a 1000-piece puzzle for experts - you decide!

Mystery trade cards – Our Region Revealed
Are you familiar with the businesses on these trade cards? Do they still exist? Who owned them?

Virtual Bookworms & family activities
We are delighted to be bringing you our popular Saturday family activity Programme and junior members programme online. We have simple science experiments, recipes, art and craft activities, drawing and writing workshops for all ages and much more besides.
We love it when you join in and send us pictures of your work – then we can share them in our online galleries.