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Devon Bibliography

The bibliography is currently filed in a series of listings on about 270 separate pages, but it is hoped to link these seamlessly in an integrated database which can be searched on-line to provide listing of works across the centuries and in all formats on specific places or subjects or written by or about individual Devonians or Exonians. In most cases locations are given where original items can be seen, or digital versions consulted. The bibliography includes books, pamphlets, periodical articles, much ephemera, such as broadside ballads and election literature, newspapers, serial publications, maps, engraved prints, theses, websites and much besides. Subject coverage is not just historical but includes the natural environment, current socio-economic issues, as well as art and literature.


The image of the book fool which serves as a logo for the Devon bibliography is taken from The ship of fools by Alexander Barclay (1509), the first printed book by a Devon author. The accompanying poem sums up the spirit in which the bibliography has been compiled:


Lo in likewise of bookes I have store
But fewe I reade, and fewer understande,
I folowe not their doctrine nor their lore,
It is ynough to beare a booke in hande.


Please follow the link to view the bibliography.
