We are open as usual: Tuesdays to Fridays 10am-5pm and Saturdays 10am-4pm.
Contact us:
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Gift Membership

Membership of the Devon and Exeter Institution is a unique gift that will last all year.

DEI members are part of a thriving community of readers and writers, united by a curiosity for knowledge and an appreciation of Exeter’s cultural heritage. Give a friend or family member DEI membership as a present and you will be giving them a year of discoveries, memorable experiences, and stimulating company.

The benefits of being a member of the DEI are many and varied. Not only do we offer a beautiful, tranquil reading, writing and meeting space right in the centre of Exeter, we also provide a fascinating and entertaining programme of talks, member-led activity groups, and other opportunities to come together and socialise. And this is without even mentioning the riches of our unique heritage and contemporary collections, here for all to discover and enjoy.

We offer a range of membership options, including Individual, Joint, Junior, Youth, and Lower Income. It’s also possible to pay for membership in monthly Direct Debit instalments. Find out about all the benefits of membership and view all membership options here.

By giving the gift of DEI membership, you are supporting Exeter’s oldest library in its original setting and preserving 7, Cathedral Close for public education and enjoyment for years to come.


If you would like to purchase a Gift Membership, you can do so either in person or online:

a) IN PERSON: pop in during opening hours to fill out a short form, pay for the Gift by card or cash, and collect a Gift Membership pack to give to your friend or loved one.

b) ONLINE: Fill out and submit the form at the bottom of this page. You will be emailed confirmation that we have received your request, as well as a payment link to pay for the Gift online, and will then be able to come in and collect the Gift Membership pack (and pay in person then, if you’d prefer.)

Our Gift Membership pack includes: a Welcome Pack full of essential details and useful information, leaflets about the DEI, and a DEI greetings card for you to write with details of your gift. Why not add a DEI tote bag (£10) or a pack of greetings cards featuring images from our collection?

If you have any queries at all about Gift Membership, please contact our Membership Officer, Carrie, on [email protected].

Gift Membership

Information required for purchasing a Gift Membership

"*" indicates required fields

Please enter your full name
Please enter your full address and postcode
If so, please give details here:
Please let us know when you intend to give your gift. We don't want to spoil the surprise, but do like to get in touch with new members, so let us know when it will be safe to do so.
Please tell us here if there's anything else you feel it'd be helpful for us to know.
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