December Programme 2020
Join us for Christmas events, tours and workshops at the Institution.

1st – 23rd December
Wishmas Tree
Add your special wish to our Christmas tree.
Send your wishes via our Facebook page comments or in person at one of our Christmas events (below) or public tours.
Wishes will be written on luggage tags and attached to the tree in our magical Outer Library.
Saturday 5th December
Deck the Halls
Members event / 10am -3pm / drop in
Members are invited to decorate the Institution for Christmas, with a glass of mulled wine and mince pies, as usual.
The show must go on!
Wednesday 9th December
Institution tours 1pm -3pm (no need to book)
Please sign up on the day / 5 places per tour
Due to government guidelines we will need to take contact details for each individual participating.
Meet outside the Institution at 7 Cathedral Close.
Face coverings must be worn inside the building.
The group size will be restricted to five people per guide and we will maintain social distancing and throughout the tour.
Saturday 12th December
Natural Christmas workshop
Children’s workshop / ages 5-10 / free and open to all / 5 places per workshop / Booking essential
Make Christmas magical and join Steph to make Natural Christmas Crafts.
Create your own decorations to take home using materials sourced from nature and the Institution’s garden.
Saturday 12th December
Botanical Christmas workshop
Adult Workshop / free and open to all / 5 places per workshop / Booking essential
Join Steph in the reading room for our seasonal Botanical Christmas workshop.
Working with Watercolour and using a selection of our native fauna, be inspired by the collection to create your own Botanical Illustration.
Wednesday 16th December
Institution tours 1pm -3pm (no need to book)
Please sign up on the day / 5 places per tour
Due to government guidelines we will need to take contact details for each individual participating.
Meet outside the Institution at 7 Cathedral Close.
Face coverings must be worn inside the building.
The group size will be restricted to five people per guide and we will maintain social distancing throughout the tour.
Friday 18th December
‘Hidden Nature’ Library Lecture series – Christmas special
Online event / free and open to all
Saturday 19th December
Join Beth to reflect on the year and to create a memory box to take home
Christmas Memory Box workshop 1
Children’s workshop / ages 5-10 / free and open to all / Booking essential
11am – 12 noon
Christmas Memory Box workshop 2
Adult Workshop / free and open to all / 5 places per workshop / Booking essential
We will be observing enhanced hygiene procedures and maintaining social distancing.
Children under 11 are exempt from wearing a mask. Masks must be worm by those over 11, unless the event is taking place out of doors.
Indoor events will take place upstairs in the Upper Reading Room and windows will be kept open – so an extra layer may be required!
To ensure we are maintaining safe social distancing and number limits for events, we ask parent/carers to register their children and move to the parent/carer seating area in the Courtenay Room.
We are Covid-secure venue and will retain your details for test and trace for 21 days.
If you have an NHS QR code scanner our code is located at the front desk.