Current covid guidelines at the DEI – from 1st March 2022
Our current guidelines for the safety and comfort of all users.

Opening hours
The Institution is open five days a week, Tuesday to Friday from 10.00am to 5.00pm and Saturday from 10.00am to 4.00pm.
Entry procedure
Key fobs are in use. You will be greeted by a front of house volunteer in the front hallway and signed in. On your first visit to the Institution you will be taken through a short induction.
Covid awareness
Hand sanitiser is available on arrival.
Wearing a mask is encouraged but not enforced and the current guidance for Museums, Libraries and Archives from the DDCMS is that ‘We continue to suggest the use of face coverings in enclosed or crowded places, particularly where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet’
Please do not visit the Institution if you have tested positive for Covid-19.
Although isolation is not a legal requirement anymore, the public are still advised to isolate after receiving a positive test. The timing around this remains unchanged e.g. you can leave isolation before 10 days if you receive 2 negative LFD results 24 hours apart, starting no earlier that day 5. Day 0 is the first day of the three main recognised symptoms-
- cough or
- temperature or
- loss of/change to taste/smell
Mask Zone
We request that readers and researchers wear a mask in the Inner Library, as there are staff and volunteers working here and sharing work space with different people everyday.
Study spaces
For those wanting a quiet space to work, we have seats available in the upstairs Reading Room and the Stirling Room. Currently, these are available on a first come first served basis. (Study spaces will be limited on Saturdays, in order to run member events and workshops).
Outer Library
We are offering our usual range of newspapers and magazines, now including the New York Times. Members are no longer required to wear gloves to access newspapers.
Inner Library – Mask Zone
The Inner Library and all collections will be open for research by appointment. We now offer a bespoke library service, so please book before you come and we will have your books ready for you when you arrive. Bookings can be made via WebCollect or via telephoning the office.
Please continue to wear a mask while seated in this area.
Programme of events
We have resumed our full programme of live talks and lectures, in line with public health guidance.
Mask wearing is a matter of personal choice at these events.
Our schools programme will remain online and we are working in partnership on our outreach programme in the community. We continue to contribute to city wide initiatives including City of Literature events.
Courtenay Room refreshments
We are offering bookable lunches on Saturdays in the Courtenay Room and menus and booking details can be found here: courtenay-room-lunches
During usual open hours, the Courtenay Room and garden are available for members wishing to purchase self-service refreshments, or you can bring your own.
We request that you use the hand sanitiser provided before using the hot drink facilities.
Institution Garden
Our garden remains accessible throughout the year and is a haven in the city and the ideal safe space to catch up with other members and relax. Newspapers may be taken outside and then returned to the Outer Library.
Personal belongings
Please leave coats and large bags in the cloakroom. Valuable items may be left in the office.
Our contract cleaners will be cleaning all areas of the building at the end of every day.
And finally…
If you are unable to visit the Institution we are continuing to operate a remote enquiry service for members via email to: [email protected] If we can help in any way please do let us know.
We are continuing to keep a close eye on the situation, both locally and nationally. Please be aware that we may need to change our plans at very short notice should circumstances require us to do so.